We Have Covid!

We Have Covid!

It’s been a hot minute since we have updated on what has been going on in our household. And yep, you read the title of this blog correctly. We all have covid and I can say from experience it’s not fun either. It first started out the day after Christmas when we got the phone call from my dad who said “mom has covid” and just like that we were on high alert. As soon as I heard those words, I knew it would run through the whole family since we all had just been celebrating Christmas the day before.

I had to call Jason and tell him because he had a trainee out with him in the truck and it was the right thing to do. He contacted work and they made the decision to keep him working with his trainee unless he was showing symptoms. Jason didn’t start showing symptoms until Wednesday, December 29th when he was complaining he was freezing. I made him go into the store that they were delivering and get a new ear thermometer and some advil just in case. His face was really red and I knew at that moment he had a fever. He took it while we were on facetime and sure enough he was running a 102.1° temp. He immediately contacted work and they rerouted them back to the warehouse where they sent both of them home. Once Jason was home from work, I had a home test waiting on him and his came up positive within less than 30 seconds. He had Covid. Ugh…I never knew that we’d ever get it because Jason and I are both vaccinated and well I was waiting on getting the booster until 2022.

Jason however didn’t have any other symptoms except for a fever and one day he felt like crud, but that was it. He and I both took PCR tests at CVS where we had to wait until Monday to see the results. His came back positive which we knew would happen and mine was negative. I had lost my taste at that point which is not fun at all. I ended up going to the ER on Saturday because I felt horrible but we thought I had pneumonia and sat in the Covid section because I was exposed to it. Yet again, I tested negative and found out after sitting in the waiting room for almost 13 hours that I had bronchitis of the lower lungs and asthma issues. Monday, January 3rd however, I started to lose my smell. I just had a feeling that I was going to be positive so I took a home test and yep, sure enough I had covid too.

I tested Olivia after I came up positive and sure enough she had it too. But I will say that she complained of a headache for a few days which is the only reason we even tested her. We’re pretty sure that she and Jason both had Omicron and I’m pretty sure I have Covid-19. As soon as I tested positive, I contacted my doctor because I have an immune disorder, was still on prednisone and felt horrible. My fevers were between 99° and 102° and I felt like I have the flu too. In order to get the monoclonal infusion, I had to prove to my doctor that I was positive because she honestly didn’t believe me. So on Wednesday, January 5th I went to the doctors office just to have the test which showed up very positive and my doctor was convinced that I didn’t qualify for it but put the orders in. On Thursday, the very next day, I received a phone call and indeed I was able to get the infusion on Friday. I had that done but I’ll tell you I still feel bad.

My latest symptoms are I feel like I have the flu, I still have no taste, no smell and I’m still running fevers. My hips are killing me and finding a good position when sleeping is awful. I don’t wish this virus on anyone. My lungs are tired, my chest hurts, I’m out of breath all the time and walking around makes me really sleepy. Jason is set to go back to work on Sunday and I’m sure he will be happy when he is back too. Until then, just pray that my symptoms get better each and every day.

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