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Post ID: 3284

Today the cold front has been pushing through and this morning when I left for work it was 68 degrees and by 2pm it had already dropped down to 62 and steadly dropping. Don’t get me wrong I love the cooler weather but I guess 

Post ID: 3283

Today the cold front has been pushing through and this morning when I left for work it was 68 degrees and by 2pm it had already dropped down to 62 and steadly dropping. Don’t get me wrong I love the cooler weather but I guess 

Post ID: 3286

I just can’t seem to think what goes through people’s minds when they decide to go shoot at schools? The children haven’t done anything wrong and/or just don’t know what is wrong with these people who have to take people’s lives. I mean I have noticed that since schools have gone back in session there have been more and more school shootings. I mean are they just looking for attention or are they really mental in the head? I don’t think we’ll ever know the answer to that!

Well last night Terry was finally off and we again went out to eat dinner. This time we went to Chili’s one of our favorite places to go eat. I just purchased a new pair on Friday from Old Navy and it seems now that I can’t keep them on my hips. Geez…I hope that I’m losing the weight healthy but not that I’m sick or whatever. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind losing the weight because I am working on that but I do mind if I’m losing it because of something going on with my body. I have gotten used to eating maybe lunch and dinner but not lunch everyday. I also eat a lot of junk food but have even slacked off on that too. This morning I woke up with a bump on the roof of my mouth on the left hand side by where your wisdom teeth would be and it’s so painful. This is so crazy too! I was told when I was a child that I would never get my wisdom teeth because of all the problems I had a child with my high fevers and all and plus they said I never developed them. so if this isn’t my wisdom teeth then what could it be? I have also realized that today my eye sight is really bad. I just wish I knew what to do but I guess I’ll have to go back for an exam again. Another thing I have noticed is for the past couple weeks is that I have been very lethargic. I seem to be getting plenty of sleep but for some reason I am tired and worn out and just don’t have the energy for the day. I wish I would get out of this stage but I’m not. So anyways, let me get to work. I am trying to keep in touch with my friend Missy who has just had some news no one wanted to hear but just keep her and the rest of the family in your thoughts and prayers.

Ok, so I ended up purchasing a new quilt from Target Sunday for our bed. We did purchase a comforter last Saturday for our bed, but with it being hot outside it’s too hot to use inside right now. So I bought a quilt for $29.98 that was origianally $59.98, 50% Off! You can’t beat that at all! Plus it’s a nice theme too to have too. Well I put it on our bed and it looks really nice. I am so pleased to have the quilt that I wanted origianally but it was way too expensive at the time for me to get it. Plus we can use this in the summer and during when it’s hot out like lately. I also
picked up a couple other things from there that we didn’t need but who cares!

Here’s a picture of the bed..

Sunday Livy was so cranky! She never took a nap and well that just made it hell for the rest of the day for the rest of us! She decided that at my inlaws house she was going to climb into her carseat there and watch me finish getting ready for the day. It was kind of cute and I captured her sitting in the chair. Also I was playing around on Saturday with the camera trying to take some good pictures of me and well this picture below was screaming “Can you feel the love with the wind!” Anyways, one thing that has been bugging the piss out of me today is that my “j” key is sticking. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t until you click it 2 or 3 times before it works. One other thing is 7th Heaven came on last night! I love that show!!

Post ID: 3285

I just can’t seem to think what goes through people’s minds when they decide to go shoot at schools? The children haven’t done anything wrong and/or just don’t know what is wrong with these people who have to take people’s lives. I mean I have 

Post ID: 3287

Friday Night Livy and I met Terry for dinner at Peking Palace in Rocky Mount. It was good but we always fill up on chinese fast because of the rice and all. It was good though. After dinner Terry left for Halifax for the Tractor 

Post ID: 3289

Ok so Tuesday I decided to paint Livy’s room and well I didn’t finish it like I had hoped to. Its a much bigger room than I thought and well with me just doing it; it was hard. Well, I did as much as I could without my arm falling off. I’ll try to do the rest over the weekend and might have to sleep at my in-laws Saturday night. Well I just realized that my little Livy is now 29 months old. Gosh it seems like she’s growing and learning more words than ever. Her newest phrase to use is “is there anyone here?” from Lilo and Stitch and she loves singing the Bob the Builder song in public. It’s so cute. She also loves singing any song really in public and also pointing out to everyone she meets or sees that mommy has “boobies”. Too cute though. She really makes us laugh with something everyday and I’m so happy that she does because sometimes we need to have laughter in our lives. Well below are some pictures from the room of what I got completed. I still have to redo the trim work but no biggie really! Enjoy!

Last night we went to Tarboro to eat dinner with my in-laws and then we went to Walmart. While we were there we picked up several things we needed and also picked up several things we didn’t. They had these DVD’s for $1 each and well we got 2 with Cartoons and 2 Kidsong’s DVD’s. She is going to have a good time I’m sure watching them. I have been easy going in allowing her to watch movies since she’s been sick and well we’ve exhausted out indoor activities for the week. She didn’t want to color and do all of the fun things we normally do so I was a little lenient. We also picked up a coffee maker for mom and dad because their’s stopped working yesterday. But only to find out that they got one and the same one we picked up. Oh well….it’ll be alright. I think that tonight, Livy and I are going to head over to the mall to pick up Norton Anti-Virus for the laptop and then head on back over to Ross. Terry has given me the OK to purchase some more clothes for Livy since she is outgrowing most of her old things from last year. She has really shot up in her height then she was last year too. I’m also going to head over to Walmart and return the coffee maker too. We already have one and don’t need another one by any means. Ok, I’m going to go so I can begin to work some today. Have a great day everyone!

Here are the pictures from Livy’s Room:

Post ID: 3288

Ok so Tuesday I decided to paint Livy’s room and well I didn’t finish it like I had hoped to. Its a much bigger room than I thought and well with me just doing it; it was hard. Well, I did as much as I 

Post ID: 3291

Pictures, Pictures & more Pictures. In the last post I said I would take some pictures of the new bedspread from Ross and I also went ahead and painted the spare bathroom a beautiful Forest/Sage Green color. I am going to paint Livy’s room a 

Post ID: 3290

Pictures, Pictures & more Pictures. In the last post I said I would take some pictures of the new bedspread from Ross and I also went ahead and painted the spare bathroom a beautiful Forest/Sage Green color. I am going to paint Livy’s room a nice blue color that she picked out and also do the master bathroom in the same green color used in the spare one. I still have to do another coat of paint in some spots but other than that it’s a great color and really opens the bathroom up. The bathrooms have some icky wallpaper that came with the house so I am just making some changes to the house to make it more us. I am also thinking of painting our bedroom like a light coffee color or a brownish color. I want to come to a room that’s relaxing and will just make us feel warm and relaxed. Well here are some pictures of the bathroom and of the bedspread. When I finish up Livy’s room I’ll post those pictures too!

Picture 1 of the Spare Bathroom

Picture 2 of the Spare Bathroom

Picture of the Tommy H. Comforter I got from Ross for $39.00 compared to $120.00

Ok so here is a picture of Livy dancing in her princess dress I made her. She loves to swish, swish it and jam to the music.

Action Shot!!

Ok, it’s like 6:13 am and I still haven’t slept at all tonight I’m going to do some work online. Today it’s going to be interesting again because Livy still has a pretty high fever and well I can’t send her to daycare because of the fever. I wish she would get better but I’m going to have to get a check to the daycare when I head into Nashville to pay a bill. Oh well, I guess I’ll check in later on:)

Post ID: 3293

Friday I made it home safely from Greensboro! I learned a lot while in the boot camp and boy am I glad I went. I had a great time with Gina, Melanie and everyone else in the class. Thanks to mom and dad for watching