Almost time for Color Me Rad!

Almost time for Color Me Rad!

It’s almost time for the Color me Rad race which will happen on Sept. 6th this year I’m going down to Wilmington the Friday before so that I can get ready for the race. I can’t wait and it will be so much fun! I 

How Many Miles?

How Many Miles?

I have decided to join in a group that has given me motivation to set a mini goal for myself for the month of August. I have seen where other runners have also set goals for each month they run and well I wanted to 

Color Me Rad 5K

Color Me Rad 5K

Have you ever run a really cool race before? Something like Color Me Rad 5K? I haven’t and I have always wanted to! I have always been interested in running in a race that was filled with lots of fun colors and something that just