Enjoying the Weather!

Today was the first time we actually went outside to a local park and took advantage of the weather! It felt so nice out and I have to say that next time we go, I will be sure to have my tennis shoes on so we can walk longer. Plus today I had a conference call to do for the travel agency and so we were on a time limit. But I have to say that we had a good time.


I’ve been wanting to stop off at Glover Park in Nashville for a few weeks but it has been either too hot, raining or I’ve been too lazy to go. Today I kind of had a thing about my runs and my life. One thing that kind of got to me was that I overweight again and I have been very depressed. Ever since I was told that I am not allowed to do my long runs again because of my diagnosis, it has brought me down. But since the weather is getting to be cooler out and yes even frost advisories are going out, I have decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and just get out there and walk. I need to do something to cheer myself up. Even if it’s just a little walk, it’s something and keeping me active.

Today at the park, we decided to go catch some pokemon’s because this is a fun activity to do with your kids! I even do it without Olivia around because it’s fun! I never could understand it at first but now I’m enjoying it and it’s a good activity for us to do together! Just need to upload it onto Olivia’s phone! But other than that we’re good.

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