A Christian Home Swap service that really helps.

Summer’s here which means the kids expect a little vacation time if course. And trust me as a father of three boys I need a vacation too. Obviously in the last few years with everything that’s been going on with the economy I don’t know anyone that hasn’t been affected by this economic downturn we’ve all been going through. So when the idea for a vacation has come up the last few years the family and I have stayed relatively close to home to save funds.
This year I really wanted to try to do something a little more fun and maybe a little further from home, while keeping the costs low. So I began my research online to determine if there might be any ways out there to do something different on the cheap. I had heard in passing from another father from our church about “home swapping”. It’s where one family switches homes with another family for a week or two during a vacation period. Well, our family is pretty serious about our faith so I thought I would simply give a try and search the term “Christian Home Swap”.
I stumbled upon a website called Christian Home Exchange and hallelujah! There it was. Like a message from Jesus himself, it was a service that does exactly what we were looking for. God was shining his light onto Google that day. I could feel angels from heaven dancing through my fingertips as I navigated through the website to the perfect family to do a home exchange with. Looks like we’re going to have a great summer now. Praise the Lord!

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