Sid the Science Kid Premieres 4 New Episodes!!!

Side the Science Kid Premieres 4 New Episodes for a week all about living things November 12-15 on PBS Kids!!!

My daughter is very much into watching PBS Kids whether it be on the Television or online, she loves it! She’s very attached to shows that make sense to her and Sid The Science Kid happens to be one of them. Starting on Monday, November 12th, PBS Kids will introduce four all new episodes of Sid the Science Kid “All About Living Things.” We got to test drive the episodes and my daughter is loving them! She even took the DVD in the car to watch in there this past week. Here are the Episodes and the day they will premiere!

“Sid’s Pet Project”: Monday, November 12
Sid is very excited because he’s going to babysit Grandma’s dog Philbert for the weekend. This is a great way for Sid to show his parents that he’s ready to take care of his own puppy. But there’s only one problem…how exactly do you take care of a pet? Sid heads to school to investigate more, and is delighted to see a special guest. It’s Gabriela’s Mom, Dr. Rosalinda Cordova! She brought the class their very own pet…a praying mantis! And now the kids have to learn how to take care of it. That means investigating what the praying mantis needs to eat, drink, and what kind of home it needs. As Sid quickly discovers, taking care of a pet is a big responsibility!

“Sleep? Who Needs It?!”: Tuesday, November 13
Sid is ready to stay up all night so he and his stuffed animals can pretend to fly into space on a rocket ship! When his Mom insists that he can’t stay up, Sid ventures to school to investigate more. He and friends explore how the body needs sleep to properly function, and most important, we need sleep to grow and stay healthy! Understanding that sometimes we feel too excited to sleep (like before an adventure into space), Susie presents a special Super Fab Lab where the kids practice calming down, and preparing their bodies for sleep. Susie lowers the lights, turns off all the sounds in the room, and teaches the kids how to breathe slowly to relax…and sleep!

“Seed the Science Kid”: Wednesday, November 14
At breakfast, Sid discovers seeds in his apple, and decides that seeds really get in the way when you’re trying to eat the apple! This leads Sid to investigate seeds with his friends at the Science Center, where they learn that many living things grow in life cycles. And while many fruits start out as seeds, many animals start out as eggs. The kids investigate frog eggs, butterfly eggs, and chicken eggs, and then see the fully-grown animals they grown into. The kids are elated and empowered with their newfound knowledge about life cycles, and can’t wait to get back to school so they can plant Sid’s apple seed and watch it slowly grow into an apple tree!

“The Reason Sid’s Sneezin;”: Thursday, November 15
Sid wakes up and can’t stop sneezing. He makes his way into the kitchen where he finds Dad in the middle of a similar sneeze attack. Sid soon discovers that just like his Dad, he might be allergic to pollen! This leads Sid on a mission to learn more about allergies. Mom can think of someone who knows a lot about allergies…Grandma-she’s a nurse! At school, Grandma helps the kids discover that sometimes our own bodies can react strongly to something we touch, smell, or eat, so our bodies try to fight it off-and that’s an allergy. Gerald tells everyone he has a food allergy–he can’t eat strawberries. Wanting to help their friend, Sid, May and Gabriela decide to make their class a Strawberry-Free-Zone! Gerald is touched, and Susie suggests a special Super Fab Lab survey to discover if other people they know also have allergies.

These episodes all come out this week and so you better be on the look out on PBS Kids!

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