Great & Beautiful Weekend!

This past weekend has been a great and beautiful weekend! I have to say that I am so happy the warm weather was back but I know its not to stay. They are saying that by Thursday it will be back down into the 20’s for the high. Ugh! I just want to see the spring time come and stay!!! Yesterday I had a wonderful day because not only did I spend time with my best friend but we had way too much fun last night. Even though we didn’t go out and party we still do what we do best…goof off. We went to her mom’s house and we did my hair. So yes I highlighted it and it looks nice. A good change to say the least and then we went back to her house and we made bows for the girls hair. We even made a few for us too. 🙂 They are so cute. I will post a small picture of them that I took on my phone once I get it off the phone. Then we realized that it was almost 12:30am before we left Tonya’s house. It was awesome! We completely lost track of time. Hahaha.

Then today I didn’t get up until around 8:30am the first time but I woke up with a migraine so I went back to sleep for another hour or two and then got up, took a shower and got ready for the day. I love it when I can wear flip-flops and get away with it. The weather was amazing today! It was over 62 degrees and that’s the kind of weather that I like. Not too hot but not too cold either. I took the dog outback to let him enjoy the warm weather and then came back and waited for Olivia to come home. Not long after she came home my brother, his girlfriend and my niece, Keali came over. Olivia had a good time with Keali playing and all but jealousy was definitely there. I guess having a big age difference of 5 years is a big deal. It will be ok though Olivia got along fine with Keali and had a blast. She is now in bed and it’s not even her bedtime. She was definitely ready to go to sleep. I’m so happy that she is in bed and the fussing has stopped.

One thing that will be new starting tomorrow will be her chores and her reward system. I’ve had to start up on a reward system for her to get her homework complete and for her to take her medicine with no fuss. I can only hope and pray that this system will work to my advantage. We shall see in the next few weeks. I am going to have it laminated either tomorrow or Tuesday at Office Depot and then we will be on the swing of things. 🙂 Let’s pray this works for good!!! It will be nice not to fuss in the morning and night to get her things done and medicine taken. I will definitely let you all know how that works out though. I haven’t taken many pictures lately just haven’t been in the mood but if the weather permits then I will take some in the coming weeks. 🙂 I hope you all have a wonderful day and a wonderful week! 🙂

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