Post ID: 3210

For those of you who might not know…I have been having trouble with my blood sugar dropping and or going higher than expected. Well I am the complete freebie queen and if I can get a freebie then I will sign up for one. Well about 3 weeks ago I signed up for a OneTouch Ultra2 Blood Glucose Meter to get for free. I was kind of hesitant in signing up for it because I wasn’t sure it it would come or not. Well I went ahead and signed up to get 2 for our house and 1 for my parents house in case of an emergency. Well I went ahead and took my blood after my meal and it was an 86mg/gl which is not too bad, but I also didn’t have any carbs with my dinner either, it was all meat. Well if you are looking for a new meter for either a family member or yourself go to OneTouch and fill out the information their looking for. Their great to have in case of an emergency for someone!!!

Well Terry told me just a few minutes ago that he was very proud of me for passing my class. I didn’t like the class and also didn’t like the teacher (if your not there to help your class then don’t teach!) but I hung in there and passed. Tonight when I got home from work I was planning on having leftovers from last night’s dinner but Terry ate the rest and didn’t ask me when he talked to me earlier. Oh well, I had to improvise instead. Livy had Dino Chicken Nuggets and I had some beef tips from Sunday’s lunch. It was good but I don’t care too much for beef tips in the first place. Livy is currently in the bathtub as I right this but it’s in the next room over and I can hear everything she’s doing. I’m sure she’s swimming and of course she’s singing and I’m sure my walls have water all over them. I need to go over them with a glossy finish instead so they become waterproof from a 2 year old. Well I better go get her out of the tub before she turns into a prune!

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